Member-only story
The Marriage Dance
Top ten differences that sharpen our marriage
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17, NIV)
The marriage dance — synchronized grace — harmony — coordination. A couple gliding across the floor, form and shadow… perfection.
Then there’s real life marriage, like ours. It’s a dance too. I’m the one, beat abandoned, arms flailing, one foot clogging, the other waltzing. My husband Sandy, is the easy-does-it guy with a lackadaisical sway, dancing, mainly with facial expressions (picture a stoned mime). Our dance portrays the daily challenges we face as we attempt to avoid stepping on each other’s toes.
On a recent road trip, we brainstormed potential article topics. Isn’t that what everyone does for auto-tainment? I had a banner idea — ten annoying things hubby does that drive me crazy. As he quietly drives down the road, I scribble them in my notebook.
Me: Finished ta-da! Piece of cake. I’m ready to write the sequel.
Hubby: Guess what? I have ten of my own.
That’s how we came up with the Hers/His list below. Keep in mind we’ve been married 31 years now. Sturdy marriage teams are like complementary colors which, when placed next to each other, create the strongest contrast…